Saturday, February 10, 2024

[Album of the Week] 'People Who Aren't There Anymore' by Future Islands


Climb the tower, after the break!

Honestly I don't know what's there to say about Future Islands that I haven't written before. Find their music magical and their latest project, 'People Who Aren't There Anymore' continues that trend. It's like if my father is speaking to me through the speakers. They were a bonding between him and I that this album felt like a grand birthday gift. Weird as that sounds

Also helps that I spent a lot of time playing the first singles from this album ('King of Sweden', 'The Tower', 'Deep in the Night', 'Say Goodbye', etc.) in the closing months of 2023. Have been able to sync with their colorful, vibrant, indie pop rock abstractions as the weeks went on. Didn't have to experience everything from scratch. I already knew what I liked and the revealing tracks got to time to surprise me. Felt like getting half your Christmas presents before the day. If that makes sense? 

This album is dark, brooding, and full of unsaid things & feelings from a love lost. They're singing about romance but I took it more personally. Wonder if you will too? Check out my Album of the Week below!

'People Who Aren't There Anymore' by Future Islands