Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Showcase: Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)


Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

A ‘Dixie Chick’ flies solo, #afterthebreak…

Natalie Maines at The Troubadour


Special Guest: Ben Harper


I walked into Wednesday not prepped for a musical showcase.  Only equipped with my new untested IPhone.  Had planned to finish late from the office, drive home, eat, and watch TV till I passed out on my couch.  Typical night.  Boring.  Safe.  Definition of normal.  Just as my work day was concluding a old friend of mine — one of our companies big time elite musical producers — stopped by to say hi.  We chalked up our normal conversation with my favorite talking points…life, relationship, work.  With so much gap in between now & the last time we spoke made the conversation lively and fast paced.  Explanations to be elaborated upon.  I’m at my best in that kind of moment.  Most people are though.  In the end I offered to be a late night companion for one of our company’s musical showcases if her boyfriend didn’t accept.  Got the text at 6pm and it was on.

Earlier I had pitched to another coworker that I’d be feeling up to hitting up ‘The Bar’ to check out their Belgian Beer night.  So, the timing was perfect for a double dose of adventure.  Driving a hour home and turning around back to Hollywood is a very hard in my current profession.  Easier to go grab some food or flick and wait in Hollywood.  I’m based out of Studio City, so there is no excuse.  Problem is usually when don’t expect an event that’s when something like this happens.  More meaning / foresight why I picked up the IPhone 5.  Ready at a moment’s notice.  Like any guerrilla photographer should be.  Still haven’t learned that a camera in the dash is a necessary item to have stashed away in the car.  Like a gun under the pillow.

On tap for the evening was Natalie Maines.  Of Dixie Chicks fame who exiled herself a bit after their award winning ‘Taking In The Long Way‘ finished it’s run back in 2007.  Joined other artists like Eddie Vedder & Neil Diamond for awhile.  She’s flying solo now.  New indie rock attitude in the form of a bird-like haircut.  Her band was stacked with special guest — Ben Harper — adding a key guitar and vocals to her many covers & mature new material.  Mr. Harper wrote two of her songs on Mother with added bonus of producing on the record.  The rest of the tracks are covers.  This wasn’t just a showcase of Natalie, but the entire album of ‘Mother’.  Marking the first time she performed it live to the public.

I can tell you from tasting a sample, Natalie Maine’s new album — Mother (May 7) — is very personal.  She channels some of rock’s best into very personal pieces that speaks directly to your heart…like Pink Flloyd’s “Mother” or Eddie Vedder’s “Without You“.  Songs with dark meanings from a vulnerable mother of two.  The performance bordered on chilling.  There was multiple times my hair stood up, but none more when Ben Harper was given a guitar solo.

I’ll admit, Ben Harper made me geek out.  He was on my musical bucket list.  Does that really count if I Didn’t get to hear any of his classic material?  Half a point on the sheet.  But when he joined Natalie for the high paced ‘Trained’, which he wrote, I turned to my friend and said — “That’s the single“.  So much promise.  For it was a high tempo soulful radio friendly track that got everybody going.  There wasn’t enough of those moments.  Where I lost myself in the music.  My only complaint really.  As an artist Natalie hadn’t lost her step.

As a fan, I am very grateful to be a welcomed guest in this very private party where her friends, family, suits, and some of Natalie most cherished people cheering her on.  It was like being apart of a family supporting their Mother and her musical child.  Truly blessed.  Thank you Natalie.  Best of luck with ‘Mother’.  We’ll continue to support leading into May.

Oh, Troubadour…you still know how to throw a kickass party.   Also, Ms. KE cheers to you.  Stay tuned because our most featured concert of all time drops tomorrow!

Picture Highlights

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)

Natalie Maines @ The Troubadour (02/27/13)